Get in the Macey Splash Zone and Win!

You could win 1 of 6 Jetski rides with Red Bull Pro Wakeboarder Josh Sanders.

PLUS 6 Macey umbrellas to be won.
How to enter:

Visit the Macey Splash Zone at the River Festival at 2:30pm or 5pm on 24th October and receive a free raffle ticket.

At the end of each show, 3 jetski rides and 3 Macey umbrellas will be drawn.

There are a total of 6 jetski rides and 6 Macey umbrellas to be won.

Promotion closes 6pm on Saturday 24th October 2015. Jetski prizes have to be redeemed on Sunday 25th October.
Total prize valued at $420.

NSW Permit No: LTPS/15/08314.




  1. Entry into the Macey Splash Zone Promotion (the “Competition”) is open to persons who visit the Macey Splash Zone (the Zone) at the Shoalhaven River Festival on Saturday the 24 October 2015 (the Festival).
  1. The promoter of this Competition is Macey Insurance Brokers Pty Ltd, Level 2, 24 Berry Street, Nowra, NSW 2541 (the Promoter).
  1. There will be two (2) Zone shows performed at the Festival on 24 October.
  1. Each person who attends a Zone show will receive a free ticket (the Ticket) to enter the Competition.
  1. There is a limit of one (1) Ticket per person per Zone show.
  1. Acceptance of the Ticket is deemed to be acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.
  1. An entry in the Competition is deemed to be received by the Promoter at the time the Ticket is accepted.
  1. At the end of each Zone show the Promoter will randomly draw three (3) entry Tickets. There will be three (3) major prize winners and three (3) runner-up prize winners for each Zone show. There are a total of 6 major prizes with a total value of $300 and 6 minor prizes with a total value of $120.
  1. Each major prize winner will receive one jetski experience with Josh Sanders of Ride Australia Pty Ltd on Sunday 25 October 2015 which is redeemable at the Festival.
  1. Each minor prize winner will receive an umbrella with the Promoters brand.
  1. No prize is redeemable for cash and may not be exchanged for any other prize
  1. Once the Tickets are drawn the winning entrants will be asked to provide the following contact details to the Promoter:
  1. Name;
  2. Address;
  3. Occupation;
  4. Age;
  5. Mobile number; and
  6. Email address.
  1. The Promoter makes no warranties or representations about the fitness for purpose or suitability of any prize and will not accept responsibility for the quality or fitness for any purpose of any prize, or the failure of any prize to be of merchantable quality.
  1. If a prize winner is not present to redeem their prize at the time the Ticket is drawn, the Promoter will randomly select another Ticket for the draw.
  1. Entrants must ensure that the contact details provided to the representative of the Promoter are up to date, as the Promoter will use these details when contacting the prize winner. Failure to provide the correct contact details may result in the prize being redrawn.
  1. The Promoter collects entrants’ personal information (as that term is defined in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)) for the purpose of conducting and promoting this Competition (including, but not limited to, determining and notifying winners).
  1. Entrants consent to the Promoter using their name, likeness, image and/or voice in the event they are the prize winner (including photograph, film and/or recording of the same) in any media for an unlimited period without remuneration for the purpose of promoting this Competition, unless the prize winner specifically asks the Promoter, at the time of accepting their Prize, not to do so.
  1. The Promoter reserves the right to disqualify an entrant who tampers with the entry process or does not participate in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
  1. By accepting the Ticket upon entry to a Zone show, you acknowledge that you are entering into the Competition and you:
  2. have the power and authority to enter the Competition in your name;
  3. agree to your name being available on the Promoters websites and social media pages for public viewing; and
  • agree that in no event will the Promoter be liable to you or any person in contract or tort (including without limitation and negligence) or otherwise resulting from your participation in the Competition.
  1. No responsibility will be taken by the Promoter for any changes in dates, times or cancellations or other arrangements that may prevent the prize winner from winning a prize.
  1. Subject to relevant state authority approval, the Promoter reserves the right, in its absolute discretion, at any time before the awarding of any prize to cancel or vary the terms of the Competition or to vary or cancel the award of a prize including, without limitation, circumstances where in the Promoter’s opinion (which it shall form in its absolute discretion):
    1. the prize winner does not satisfy the Competition entry requirements; or
    2. the Promoter cannot conduct the Competition or award the prize for any reason beyond its control.
  1. Subject to relevant state authority approval, in the event that the Promoter cancels or varies the Competition or varies or withdraws the prize it shall not:
    1. be liable to any person for any loss or damage (including loss or damage caused by any negligence) arising out of, or in connection with, such cancellation, variation or withdrawal; and
    2. be required to conduct the Competition at any other time.
  1. A decision of the Promoter in relation to the conduct of the Competition is binding and conclusive and no correspondence will be entered into.
  1. Entrants enter the Competition at their sole risk. With the exception of liability which cannot be excluded by law, the Promoter shall not be liable for any loss or damage which is suffered (including but not limited to indirect or consequential loss) or for personal injury suffered or sustained (including death) as a result of taking a prize or entering the Competition.
  1. Any costs associated with accessing the Competition website is the responsibility of the entrant and is dependent on the internet service provider used.
  1. NSW Permit No: LTPS/15/08314.


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